
Emília Klein Malacarne

Emília Klein Malacarne

Professional experience

Emília Malacarne’s practice focuses on corporate criminal law and sanctions. She has significant expertise representing victims and defendants in police investigations and criminal proceedings. In addition, she offers consultancy for the prevention of illegal conduct and reduction of criminal risks in every situation.  

She assists clients on compliance matters, particularly pertaining to the prevention of corruption, fraud, and money laundering (PLD).  

She is a member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM) and the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD) and she has written articles and book chapters on the topic. 



  • Master of Laws in Criminal Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) – 2018;
  • Specialist in Corporate Criminal Law from PUC-RS – 2016;
  • Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2014;
  • Plea Bargaining and Negotiated Criminal Justice program from IBCCRIM (Brazilian Institute of Criminal Science) – 2019;
  • Compliance training program from the University of Coimbra/IBCCRIM – 2020.



  • Temas polêmicos na jurisprudência sobre prescrição penal [Controversial issues in the jurisprudence on criminal statute of limitations]. In: Ney Fayet Júnior. (Org.). Prescrição Penal: temas atuais e controvertidos. 1ed.Porto Alegre: AMAZON- Publications, 2015, v. 5, p. 17-180;
  • O Papel do Defensor na Ditadura Militar Brasileira [The Role of the defense in the Brazilian Military Dictatorship]. In: MALAN, Diogo; MIRZA, Flávio. (Org.). Advocacia Criminal. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2014, v. p. 58-76;
  • Anotação de julgado do STJ: Direito Processual Penal. Direção de veículo sob a influência de álcool. Homicídio. Dolo eventual impossibilidade do exame de provas em habeas corpus. [Annotation of a decision by the STJ: Criminal Procedural Law. Driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Murder. Eventual intention Impossibility of examining evidence in habeas corpus]. Boletim IBCCRIM, v. 241, p. 6-7, 2012;
  • A execução das medidas socioeducativas: principiologia, natureza jurídica e o mito da impunidade [The execution of social-educational measures: principles, legal nature and the myth of impunity] Revista Síntese Direito Penal e Processual Penal, v. XVII, p. 382-391, 2016;
  • A Responsabilidade Penal Ambiental dos dirigentes de empresas por omissão: questões doutrinárias, jurisprudenciais e medidas preventivas [Environmental Criminal Liability of company directors by omission: doctrine and jurisprudential issues and preventive measures]. In: MARQUES, Letícia Yumi; ZAPATER, Tiago Cardoso Veitekunas. Prática do Direito Ambiental na defesa dos interesses de empresas privadas. São Paulo: Letras Jurídicas, 2019. pp. 283-304;
  • A marcha triunfal dos institutos transplantados no processo penal brasileiro: passado, presente e futuro [The triumphant march of transplanted institutes in Brazilian criminal procedure: past, present and future]. In: CAVALCANTI; FELDENS; RUTTKE (org.). Garantias Penais: estudos alusivos aos 20 anos de docência do Professor Alexandre Wunderlich. Porto Alegre: Boutique Jurídica, 2019. pp. 75-97. 


Additional Activities

  • Member of the Anti-Corruption and Compliance Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law (IBRADEMP);
  • Member of the Corporate Criminal Law Committee of Full-Service Offices (COPE);
  • Member of the FEDERASUL (Federation of Commercial and Services Associations of Rio Grande do Sul) Permanent Ethics and Compliance Committee (COPEC);
  • Associate of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM);
  • Associated of the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD);
  • Member of the Special Compliance Committee of OAB/RS (Brazilian Bar Association).



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