
Luiz Gustavo Kaercher Loureiro

Luiz Gustavo Kaercher Loureiro

Professional experience

A lawyer with wide experience in the Energy practice area, Luiz Loureiro provides counseling to national and international clients in strategic regulatory and compliance matters. In harmony with his other practice areas, Luiz also counsels clients in matters involving corporate criminal law, such as internal investigations and bid rigging.

Luiz Loureiro is also a renowned scholar, having been associate professor and coordinator of the Natural Resources Law study group at the University of Brasília (UnB) and a professor of the master’s program in Regulation Law at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-RJ). He is the author of several works and articles in the area of Public Law and Regulatory, with special emphasis on the electric power and oil and gas sectors.



  • Post-doctorate on the International Centre of Economic Research, ICE, Italy (2013)
  • Specialization in Products Sharing Agreements (Oil and Gas Sectors) by the CWC School for Energy – US (2011)
  • Doctorate in Law by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007)
  • Undergraduate in Legal and Social Sciences (Law) by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS (1991)




  • New Framework of Basic Sanitation in Brazil – 2nd Edition.”. Joint publication with other authors, by Foco Publishing, in 04/13/2022.
  • The New Basic Sanitation Law”. Joint publication with other authors, by Fórum Publishing, in 01/28/2022.
  • Regulatory Law – Theory and Practice of the Regulated Sectors”. Joint publication with other authors, by Juspodivim Publishing, in 03/18/2021.
  • Eletric Energy Law Manual”. Joint publication with other authors, by Quartier Latin Publishing, in 12/03/2021.
  • Studies on the Economical-Financial Regime of Concession Contracts”. Publication by Quartier Latin Publishing, in 01/01/2019.
  • Institutions of Electric Energy Law”. Publication by Quartier Latin Publishing, in 01/01/2019.
  • Relevant Topics on Electric Energy Law: Tome V”. Publication by Synergia Publishing, in 01/01/2016.




Additional Activities

  • Member of CERI-FGV, group that assists the National Waters Agency Agência (ANA) on the drafting of reference standards for basic sanitation in Brazil
  • Professor of the MBA regarding Sanitation on the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV-RJ)
  • Professor on the Serzedelo Corrêa Institute – Superior School of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)
  • Associate professor of Administrative and Constitutional Law of the University of Brasília (UnB)
  • Professor of the Post-graduate of UnB (currently on leave of absence)
  • Coordinator of the Study Group of Natural Resources Law on the Faculty of Law of UnB



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