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Souto Correa is the sum of great talents with an even greater purpose: to go beyond what is expected, redefining the relationship with customers. We strongly believe in partnership and we know how much trust connects. The journey is much more rewarding when you have the company of a winning team.

Souto Correa is the sum of great talents with an even greater purpose: to go beyond what is expected, redefining the relationship with customers. We strongly believe in partnership and we know how much trust connects. The journey is much more rewarding when you have the company of a winning team.


Together, we are power.
And we become unique.

Souto Correa is the sum of great talents with a
even greater purpose: to go beyond what was expected, giving new meaning to
relationship with customers. We strongly believe in partnership
and we know how much trust connects.
The journey is much more rewarding when you have the
company of a winning team

Come be part

Find out more about us


Fernanda Girardi Tavares é a primeira sócia mulher do escritório e faz parte do Souto Correa desde a sua fundação, em 2013. À frente da área de Proteção de Dados & Cibersegurança, ela valoriza muito a projeção e o pertencimento que sua posição proporciona às mulheres na advocacia.

Learn a little about who we are and what our values are.

Learn a little about who we are and what our values are.


Our partners, lawyers and practice areas are recognized by clients and partners for excellence
in the provision of legal services. As a result of this, we are often referred to
main global market guides and rankings.

Together, we are power.
And we become unique.

We recognize the importance of diversity in our work environment
work and we are committed to promoting an inclusive space.
We encourage candidates with different perspectives and experiences,
including, but not limited to, race, gender, sexual orientation, age,
and disability, to apply. Our commitment to diversity
is an integral part of our mission, and candidates with profiles
Several will have priority in our selection process.

Come be part

What our contributors say

André Luís Palmarante Ferreira

André Luís Palmarante Ferreira

Lawyer of Labor, Gaming & Betting

Atuar no Souto Correa tem sido uma experiência transformadora, mesmo após meus quase 20 anos de carreira. Desde a minha chegada à equipe, tenho encontrado um ambiente dinâmico e desafiador, onde somos constantemente incentivados a lidar com demandas de diversos níveis de complexidade. A excelência dos profissionais que compõem nossa equipe é um diferencial e cria um ambiente propício ao crescimento profissional. Para quem está no início da caminhada profissional, o Souto Correa oferece uma oportunidade única de aprendizado e desenvolvimento contínuo, tornando-se um lugar ideal para acelerar as habilidades exigidas na advocacia e construir uma trajetória de sucesso.

Ana Maria de Alvarenga Guerra

Ana Maria de Alvarenga Guerra

Lawyer of Corporate Law and M&A, Contracts

Iniciei minha jornada no Souto Correa como estagiária em 2022, sem experiência na área de societário. Desde o início, fui muito bem acolhida e recebi todo o suporte necessário, com uma equipe paciente e atenciosa que me orientou de perto. A proximidade com advogados de todos os níveis – desde os júniores, plenos e sêniores até os sócios de capital – sempre foi uma característica marcante do escritório e fundamental para o meu crescimento. Essa abertura se estende a todas as áreas do escritório, não só na prática jurídica, mas também em TI, RH, marketing e administrativo, o que promove integração e unidade, mesmo entre pessoas de sedes distintas. Quando fui efetivada, o sentimento não foi nada diferente de realização. Poder me juntar oficialmente a pessoas que admiro e que me são tão queridas, não só profissionalmente, mas também na minha vida pessoal, e trabalhar diariamente com elas é um privilégio imenso.

Ana Carolina do Vale Gatti

Ana Carolina do Vale Gatti

Lawyer of Arbitration, Litigation

Interning at Souto means interning in a place where they believe in and invest in your potential. Where there is freedom, just as much as there are opportunities. During these two years of internship, I had the chance to work on challenging cases and represent the firm in student competitions, always with the support and collaboration of everyone. Today, I am happy to be a part of this firm and to continue aiming at the right people.

Rodrigo Saucedo

Rodrigo Saucedo

Lawyer of Restructuring and Insolvency

Since the beginning of my internship at Souto Correa, I have received all the possible support from the firm’s professionals to evolve in the practice of law, gradually developing a wide range of activities with all the necessary support. After almost 2 years at the firm, I am now facing new challenges resulting from my official employment, which impose greater responsibilities but at the same time do not intimidate me, considering the path I have previously followed that has prepared me for this moment. And all of this is not only the result of a lot of dedication but also a characteristic of Souto Correa, which sees its interns as the future of the firm.

Darwin Otto de Lima

Darwin Otto de Lima

Lawyer of Restructuring and Insolvency

It is very gratifying to have the opportunity to learn and exchange experiences with such high-level professionals, who keep their doors open for advice and guidance, both professionally and personally, in an environment where everyone is treated as equals and where everyone knows their importance in the system, making recognition a defining feature of the firm’s culture. I cannot fail to mention the concern for well-being and other needs arising from the academic routine of an intern, as well as the honest feedback that plays an important role in our growth. The pride I feel in being part of the Souto Correa team is immeasurable, and this is an experience that will undoubtedly have a very positive impact on my professional life.

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