Ministry of Health has extended the deadline for submission of contributions to the new PDP regulation

Ministry of Health has extended the deadline for submission of contributions to the new PDP regulation

The Ministry of Health (“MoH”) extended the deadline for contributions to the Public Consultation #54/2023 (“PC #54/2023”) until February 08, 2024, regarding the draft of the Interinisterial Ordinance which regulates Product Development Partnerships – PDPs.

The documents covered by PC # 54/2023 and the address for sending contributions are available through this link

Highlight: the registration is exclusive to individuals. To contribute as a corporate entity, you must log in as an individual and attach a document with your company data.

According to the MoH, the PDPs aim to guide the national investment effort in innovation and production, public and private, through tech transfers of strategic products to reduce the vulnerability of the Public Health System (“SUS”) and expand access to healthcare.

Our Life Sciences & Healthcare team is available if you have any questions about the topic and its possible developments via e-mail:

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