New law requires pharmaceutical companies to warn about doping in medicines
On January 12, 2024, Law 14.806/2024 was published, amending Law 6.360/1976 to oblige pharmaceutical laboratories to include warnings on the labels, leaflets and advertising materials of their products about the presence of substances whose use is considered doping.
The new law establishes that medicines containing substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Code must carry these warnings. This is an effort by the Brazilian authorities to prevent substances or methods banned by sports organizations from being consumed by chance – athletes often fall prey to doping after using medicines that, in principle, are not for performance, but contain some banned substance.
On July 10, 2024, the law will come into force. We should expect specific provisions for compliance with this obligation via regulation by Anvisa.
To find out more about the subject, contact Souto Correa’s Life Sciences & Healthcare team via e-mail at