We are a structure of more than 330 professionals including legal team and back-office staff (DCP, Library, Financing, Marketing, Human Resources and Information Technology). It is an efficient operation that follows the best practice standards and is driven by the Operation Committee formed by a CEO, a partner who manages the practice areas and HR, an HR manager, a Financial Manager and a Marketing Manager:
- Guilherme Rizzo Amaral – Partner and CEO
- Patrícia Alves – Partner and in charge of the Practice Areas
- Aline Vale – Human Resources Director
- André Gomes – Partner in charge of the Financial department
- Ronaldo Reis – Financial Manager
- Luiz Costa – Marketing Director
- Henry Lummertz – Partner in charge of Data and IT department
The Governance structure has 4 more committees: Assessment, Diversity, Ethics and Strategic, composed by a lawyer of the firm.