Fábio Baldissera
Fábio Baldissera
Professional experience
Fábio Baldissera practices real estate law, counseling corporate clients and national and international investors on a broad range of real estate matters.
He has extensive knowledge and experience in real estate transactions and matters connected to M&A transactions, infrastructure projects, estate and succession planning, and strategic real estate litigation.
- PhD in Public Law from the University of Burgos (Spain);
- Specialist in Real Estate Law from the Faculdade Autônoma de Direito (FADISP);
- Post-graduate diploma in Conflict Management and Alternative Resolution from the University of Burgos (Spain);
- Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS).
Additional Activities
- Director of the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law (IBRADIM);
- Member of the Council Board of the Associação Gaúcha dos Advogados do Direito Imobiliário (Rio Grande do Sul Association of Real Estate and Business Lawyers) (AGADIE) – chaired from 2016 to 2018;
- Guest Lecturer of post-graduate and extension courses in Real Estate Law at institutions such as PUC-RS and Unisinos.

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