
Maria Luísa Vieira Matos

Maria Luísa Vieira Matos

Professional experience

Maria Luísa has extensive experience in medical law and supplementary health. In medical law, she operates in both preventive and civil litigation in medical processes. In supplementary health, she provides consultancy to health plan operators, offering support in both preventive matters and civil litigation, including both assistance-related and non-assistance-related disputes. Additionally, she handles administrative and regulatory demands before the National Agency for Supplementary Health (ANS).



  • Bachelor’s degree from Centro Universitário Uninovafapi (2021)
  • Post-graduate studies in Administrative Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2024).
  • Training in Business Process Modeling and Improvement at Alura (2024).



  • Matos, Maria Luísa Vieira. Direito médico descomplicado. Dinâmica Jurídica, 2023
  • Matos, Maria Luísa Vieira. Uma breve análise sobre a aplicabilidade do CDC na relação médico-paciente à luz da responsabilidade civil. Migalhas, 2023.
  • Matos, Maria Luísa Vieira; Outros. Cartilha de Responsabilidade Civil da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Seccional Piauí: Responsabilidade Civil na Saúde. Teresina, PI: OAB/PI, 2022.
  • Matos, Maria Luísa Vieira et al. Tendência do Direito Médico. Editora GZ, 2020.



  • Member of the Medical and Health Law Committee of OAB/SP;
  • Member of the Special Compliance Committee of OAB/SP;
  • Member of the Health Law Committee of OAB/PI.


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