Valter Tremarin Junior
Valter Tremarin Junior
Professional experience
Valter Tremarin Junior practices in the Tax and Customs area, providing legal counselling to clients in consultancy and in administrative and judicial litigation.
He assists companies from a wide range of industries, especially those from the energy, technology, transportation, petrochemical, and civil construction sectors, in addition to exporting and importing companies in general.
He has published several articles in the areas of Tax and Customs Law and has also attended several courses in these areas.
- Master’s degree of Laws from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)- 2019;
- Specialist in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET) – 2011;
- Bachelor of Laws from UFRGS – 2007.
- Implementing economic sanctions on foreign trade operations” WorldECR [0301], April 2013. London, England;
- Reintegra: crédito sobre a exportação” Newspaper article. Jornal do Comércio, October 2014. Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil;
- Propriedade Imobiliária, Direitos Reais sobre Imóveis, Cessão Contratual e a Incidência do ITBI. Páginas de Direito magazine, Porto Alegre, year 16, No. 1319, June 2016 (coauthor);
- Reflexões sobre holding familiar no planejamento sucessório. In: TEIXEIRA, Daniele Chaves (Coord.). Arquitetura do planejamento sucessório. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions. 2019, 2020, 2021 e 2022 (coauthor);
- O Papel do Contrato na Cloud Computing e seus Aspectos Tributários. In: FRADERA, Vera Jacob de (Org.). Estudos sobre Contratos e Responsabilidade Civil. Porto Alegre: Brazil Publishing. 2022.
Additional Activities
- Member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM/RS);
- Member of the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce (AHK);
- Secretary-General of the Special Commission on Maritime, Port, Customs and Waterway Law of OAB/RS;
- Member of the Foreign Trade Division of the Federation of Business Entities of Rio Grande do Sul (FEDERASUL);
- Participant in Local Committees for Trade Facilitation (COLFACs) of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.