[News] Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – Edição 37
Highlights – September News
September 2ND, 2022
ANP holds workshop on the implementation of RANP nº 881/2022
The ANP held on 09/02/2022 the online workshop “Implementation of ANP Resolution No. 881“, which aimed to clarify doubts regarding the implementation and practical application of Resolution on the usage of waterway terminals for movimentation of petroleum, its derivatives, natural gas derivatives and biofuels. ANP also published on its website, a manual, a process flowchart, and a Q&A about the Resolution No. 881/2022.
September 14, 2022
ANP launches dynamic panel on RANP nº 881/2022
The ANP made available the Dynamic Panel for the Application of ANP Resolution No. 881/2022. The panel gathers questions sent by operators of waterway terminals, shippers and third parties interested in moving products at these terminals, with their respective answers.
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September 20, 2022
Public Hearing held on the abrogation of outdated and no longer in force normative acts
The ANP held, on 09/20/2022, Public Hearing No. 19/2022, which sought to obtain subsidies on the draft resolution that will abrogate 32 normative acts, which are no longer in force or its effects are already exhausted. The measure complies with Decree No. 10,139/2019, which determines the review and consolidation of all normative acts issued by bodies and entities of the direct federal, autarchic and foundational public administration.
September 22, 2022
ANP publishes Statistical Yearbook 2022
ANP launched, on 09/28/2022, the complete digital version of the Brazilian Statistical Yearbook of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels 2022, which consolidates data on the performance of the oil, natural gas and biofuels industry and the national supply system in the period 2012-2021. According to the ANP, the publication is used by the government and economic agents to support their planning and support decision-making.
September 29, 2022
Published Resolution on the quality control of biomethane from sanitary landfills and sewage treatment plants
It was published the ANP Resolution No. 886/2022, which establishes the specification and rules for approval of the quality control of biomethane from sanitary landfills and treatment plants of sewage intended for vehicular use and residential, industrial and commercial facilities, to be sold in the national territory, and also revoked the former act on that matter, the ANP Resolution No. 685/2017.
Relevant Decisions – September News
September 16,2022
ANP Board of Directors approves initiative to challenge lawsuits that allow undue payment of Royalties to municipalities
The ANP Board of Directors authorized the Federal Attorney General’s Office before ANP to submit, for the analysis of the Federal Attorney General, the draft of a Claim of Non-compliance with Fundamental Precepts (ADPF) before the Federal Supreme Court, regarding the distribution of royalties to municipalities. According to the ANP, the purpose of the measure is to challenge, in whole, a set of judicial decisions that, without technical or legal support, determined that the ANP classifies municipalities as creditors of royalties for having Embarkation and Disembarkation Facilities without actually having this type of equipment in their territory.
September 22,2022
ANP approves reclassification of the OSDUC pipeline as a transport pipeline
The ANP Board of Directors approved the reclassification of the OSDUC pipeline from transfer pipeline to transport pipeline, due to the request of VAST Infraestrutura, based on the claim that there are multiple agents interested on the usage of the infrastructure.
Public Participation | Public Consultations and Public Hearings – September News
September 19, 2022
ANP – Public Consultation and Hearing No. 22/2022
Subject: Resolution amending ANP Resolution No. 777, of April 5, 2019, for the purpose of authorizing the import of biodiesel, in compliance with CNPE Resolution No. 14, of December 9, 2020.
Contribution Period: from September 21, 2022 until November 4th, 2022.
Public Hearing Date: November 9th, 2022 (2:00pm to 6:00pm).