Fernando Pellenz
Fernando Pellenz
Professional experience
Fernando Pellenz provides legal counseling to agricultural cooperatives, cereal farmers, and rural producers based on his expertise in the agribusiness industry and forest investment matters.
He has in-depth knowledge of rural credit, agribusiness securities, risk mitigation and credit recovery analysis, including precautionary and seizure procedures involving crops, livestock, and other agribusiness assets.
Fernando also has experience in the negotiation and drafting of contracts pertaining to rural activities, such as commodities purchase and sale agreements, partnerships, and rural real estate leases, as well as the economic and financial restructuring of agricultural cooperatives.
- Master’s student in Agribusiness at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS);
- Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito Santo André (FADISA), 2006;
- LL.M. Specialist in Business Rights (3rd Edition) from University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) – ongoing;
- New Brazilian Agribusiness Securities: Formation, Issuance, Risk Assessment and Pricing course from the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3), 2013;
- Extension Course on Strategic Management and Business Contract Drafting from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), 2013;
- Course Rural Credit– Rural Credit Manual (MCR) from the Febraban Institute of Education, 2014.
- Co-author of Cooperativas e Recuperação Judicial [Cooperatives and Judicial Reorganization]. In: Valor Econômico, p. E2, 26 Jun 2014.
Additional Activities
- Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr);
- Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RS);
- Member of the Laws and Regulations Committee of the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB);
- Guest lecturer of the post-graduate program in Agribusiness from the Universal Institute of Marketing in Agribusiness (I-UMA).

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