Gabriel Najfeld Stanton
Gabriel Najfeld Stanton
Professional experience
Gabriel Stanton focuses on tax matters in both consulting and litigation capacities. His practice involves representing clients before courts of all instances, at the administrative and judicial levels.
In addition, he provides counseling services on a broad variety of estate planning and succession issues involving Brazilian and international assets.
Gabriel is a member of the firm’s Startup Hub’s multidisciplinary team, representing clients in a variety of tax matters connected to technology, innovation, and company formation, among others.
- Specialist in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) and the Institute of Tax Studies (IET) – 2018;
- Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) – 2015.
- Aspectos quanto à proteção jurídica na fase pré-negocial [Aspects regarding legal protection in the pre-negotiation phase] (comments to REsp n. 1.367.955)”. In: Revista Síntese Direito Empresarial, v. 41, p. 09-19, 2014 (coauthor);
- Regime de Regularização Cambial [Foreign Exchange Adjustment Regime]. Newspaper Article. Jornal do Comércio, 12 April 2013. Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil;
- Tributação do investidor-anjo: reflexões e críticas [Angel investor taxation: thoughts and criticism]. In: Jota. Available here (coauthor);
- Lei de Informática como nova fonte de financiamento para startups [Informatics Law as a new source of funding for startups]. In: Jota. Available here (coauthor).
Additional Activities
- Member of the Souto, Correa Advogados team in the 5th Edition of the Petrônio Muniz Brazilian Arbitration Moot Competition – 2014;
- Member of the Corporate Law Group of the Hernani Estrella Legal Counsel (AJHE) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2012/2014.