
Rafael Falcetta Corrêa

Rafael Falcetta Corrêa

Professional experience

Rafael Corrêa practices in the corporate law area, with a special focus on a variety of corporate transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and business contracts in general.

He also has experience in private equity and venture capital transactions, having counseled several startups. He is a member of the multidisciplinary team of the firm’s Startup Hub.



  • LLM in corporate law from New York University (NYU) – ongoing;
  • LL.M. Master of Laws in Corporate Law from Insper – 2022;
  • Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC- RS)- 2019;
  • Executive course on Private Equity and Venture Capital by Insper – 2019;
  • Academic Mobility (Erasmus – EU), Commercial Law/Contract Law by University of Porto – 2016.



  • CORRÊA, Rafael Falcetta. Equity Crowdfunding: estruturação legal e natureza jurídica do direito de conversão em ações outorgado aos investidores. In: EIZIRIK, Nelson. FRANÇA, Novaes. VALLADÃO, Erasmo. (coord.). Revista de Direito das Sociedades e dos Valores Mobiliários. 10 ed. São Paulo: Almedina, Dezembro 2019.


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