Daniela Russowsky Raad
Daniela Russowsky Raad
Professional experience
Daniela Raad has extensive experience in the judicial and extrajudicial fields of succession law, family law, and conflict resolution.
Her practice focuses mostly on consulting for estate and succession planning, family contracts, corporate structures, and mediation involving family companies in many industries. Daniela is also a mamber of the firm’s multidisciplinary ESG team, helping clients resolve conflicts related to corporate governance.
She is the author of books and articles and teaches extension courses.
- Formation and Leadership Training Courses and Seminars in Tel Aviv, Israel – 2015, 2018 e 2019;
- Master of Laws with concentration area in Succession Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), 2018;
- Education and Training on Mediation from the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and Pepperdine University (EUA), 2018;
- Strategic Negotiation and Conflict Management from INSPER, 2019;
- LL.M Master of Laws in Tax Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas (SP), 2015;
- Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), 2013.
- O Exercício da Autonomia Privada no Direito Sucessório: uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bens [The Exercise of Private Autonomy in Succession Law: a reflection based on the effectiveness of the separation of property regime] 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, (2018). v. 1;
- O alcance da responsabilidade civil no regime da comunhão parcial de bens: notas sob a perspectiva do direito e economia [The scope of civil liability in the partial community of property regime: notes from the perspective of law and economics] In: Carlos Silveira Noronha. (Org.). Reexaminando as novas formações estruturais do ente familiar na atualidade”. 1 ed.Porto Alegre: Editora Sulina, (2017), v. 1, p. 7-390;
- Autonomia Privada e Regime de Bens: Um Cotejo Analítico [Private Autonomy and Property Regime: An Analytical Comparison]. In: Conrado Paulino da Rosa; Delma Silveira Ibias; Liane Maria Busnello Thomé. (Org.). Novos Rumos do Direito de Família e Sucessões. 1ed.Porto Alegre: IBDFAM/RS, (2016), v., p. 342-362;
- Autonomia Privada e Regime de Bens [Private Autonomy and Property Regime]. In: Carlos Silveira Noronha. (Org.). Temas de Direito de Família e de Sucessões na Atualidade. Porto Alegre: Sulina, (2016), v. 1, p. 168-169;
- Em Direito de Família: tempos imprevisíveis demandam condutas corajosas” [Family Law: unpredictable times demand courageous behavior]. In: Espaço Vital (2020);
- “Liberdade acima dos 70 anos: reflexões acerca da escolha do regime de bens”[Freedom over 70: reflections on the choice of property system]. In: Conjur (2022).
- “Testamento: do tabu ao cotidiano” [Testament: from taboo to everyday life]. In: ESTADÃO, (2021)
- “Conflitos familiares: uma luz no fim do túnel” [Family conflicts: a light at the end of the tunnel]. In: ESTADÃO (2022)
- “STJ: possibilidade de partilha de direitos possessórios” [STJ: possibility of sharing possessory rights]. In: ESTADÃO (2022)
Additional Activities
- Director of the Israelite Federation of Rio Grande do Sul;
- Lecturer of post-graduation and extension courses in educational institutions, of INSPER
- Member of the Executive Group of the Arbitration Chamber of Federasul (CAF);
- Member of NAME – Center of Advocacy in Business Mediation of IBRADEMP – Brazilian Institute of Business Law;
- Effective Member of the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies (IEE).
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