Daniele Verza Marcon
Daniele Verza Marcon
Professional experience
Lawyer with experience in contracts, arbitration and litigation. Daniele acts in complex cases related to civil law, as well as in diverse matters regarding new technologies and data protection. She holds a master’s degree in civil and business law from UFRGS, where she also obtained a Law degree with academic honors. Daniele is the author of articles related to contracts, information security, personal data and artificial intelligence.
- Master in Civil and Corporate Law (UFRGS, 2023);
- Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2020;
- “Anglo-American Business Law” course. University College London – 2019.
- MARCON, Daniele Verza. Moderação de conteúdo como serviço: reflexões sobre a sua transparência e terceirização. In: CAMPOS, Ricardo (Org.) O futuro da regulação de plataformas digitais: Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA) e seus impactos no Brasil. São Paulo: Contracorrente, 2023, p. 439-466.
- MENKE, Fabiano. MARCON, Daniele Verza. A dimensão do corpo eletrônico a partir de “Be right back”: reflexões sobre a “softwarização” da personalidade. In: COLOMBO, Cristiano; ENGELMAN, Wilson; FALEIROS JUNIOR, José Luis de Moura. A tutela jurídica do corpo eletrônico: novos desafios ao direito digital. Indaiatuba: Foco, 2022, p. 33-51.
- MARCON, Daniele Verza. Cláusulas de confidencialidade e proteção de dados nas negociações de aquisição de participação societária. Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, p. 165-191, jul./dez, 2022.
- MARCON, Daniele Verza. Regulamentação da inteligência artificial no Brasil: uma corrida sem sair do lugar? Conjur, out. 2021.
- MARCON, Daniele Verza; DUTRA, Erika. Donin; IRION, Lukas da Costa. Artificial intelligence in arbitration: should we consider the possibility of decision-rendering AI? Young Arbitration Review, Lisboa, Portugal, p. 14 – 19, 31 jan. 2020.
Additional Activities
- Member of the Special Commission of Arbitration of OAB/RS;
- Member of the Study Group on New Regulations for Digital Services in Comparative Law (Legal Grounds Institute);
- Member of the team that represented Souto, Correa, Cesa, Lummertz & Amaral in the Brazilian Business Arbitration and Mediation Competition of CAMARB (Business Mediation and Arbitration Chamber) in the 2018 and 2019 editions.
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