Fabiana da Silva Figueiró
Fabiana da Silva Figueiró
Professional experience
Fabiana Figueiró focuses on the area of environmental licensing, water resources, mining, basic sanitation, contaminated areas, and solid waste.
Her broad experience includes remarkable performance in environmental litigation and civil investigation, as well as conversations with public authorities for drafting terms of conduct adjustment.
She is also notable for her work in business-representative institutions, including participation in councils and committees that are responsible for the development of public environmental policies at the regional and national levels.
Fabiana’s work also involves counseling national and international clients on complex and sensitive environmental matters connected to ESG and basic sanitation.
- Master’s degree in environmental law from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) – 2014;
- Specialist in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by the Cultural Development Institute (IDC) – 2010;
- Specialist in Environmental Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) – 2008;
- Bachelor of Laws from PUC-RS- 2004.
- Logística reversa: prazos e panorama da legislação estadual [Reverse Logistics: terms and overview of the state legislation]. (Conjur) Apr/2022;
- Nova diretiva da UE reforçará sustentabilidade nas corporações [New EU directive will strengthen sustainability in corporations] (Estadão Online). Abril/2022;
- Comentários ao Código do Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul. Editora Fi, 2021. (Organizer jointly with other AGAAE directors);
- A adequada derrubada dos vetos à isenção de tributos federais nos pagamentos por serviços ambientais [The proper overturning of vetoes on federal tax exemptions on payments for environmental services]. Estadão Online. Jun/2021. (coauthor);
- É necessária uma definição sobre os vetos ao Novo Marco Legal do Saneamento [A definition is needed on the vetoes to the New Sanitation Legal Framework]. Conjur. Apr/2020. (coauthor);
- Mudanças na NR 31 criam mais obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores rurais [Changes in NR 31 create more obligations for employers and rural workers] Conjur. Nov/2020. (coauthor);
- Programa Federal Floresta+ Carbono: avanço em políticas para a sustentabilidade? [Federal Forest+Carbon Program: advancement in policies for sustainability?] Estadão Online. Oct/2020. (coauthor);
- Os reflexos ambientais do Novo Marco Legal do Saneamento Básico [The environmental consequences of the New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation]. Conjur. Oct/2020. (coauthor);
- Novos rumos para a gestão das águas [New directions for water management]. Valor Econômico. Caderno Opinião. Jan/2019;
- Responsabilidade Ambiental: estamos fazendo o suficiente? [Environmental Responsibility: Are we doing enough?] Estadão Online. Feb/2019. Co-authored with Emília Malacarne;
- A norma da precaução: uma análise crítica a partir da jurisprudência do SFT [The precautionary rule: a critical analysis based on SFT case law]. In: Antunes, Paulo de Bessa (org). Direito Ambiental e os 30 anos da Constituição de 1988 [Environmental Law and the 30 years of the 1988 Constitution]. São Paulo, Thoth, 2019;
- A Responsabilidade Penal Ambiental dos dirigentes de empresas por omissão: questões doutrinárias, jurisprudenciais e medidas preventivas [Environmental Criminal Liability of business leaders by omission: doctrinal and jurisprudential issues and preventive measures]. In: MARQUES, Letícia Yumi; ZAPATER, Tiago Cardoso Veitekunas. Prática do Direito Ambiental na defesa dos interesses de empresas privadas. São Paulo: Letras Jurídicas, 2019. pp. 283-304. Co-authored with Emília Malacarne;
- “Novidades da compensação ambiental” [Environmental compensation news]. Estadão Online, São Paulo, 06/09/2018. Co-authored with Renata Vilarinho;
- “Competência legislativa ambiental e aplicação da norma mais restritiva como forma de resolução de conflitos: uma análise crítica” [Environmental legislative competence and the application of the most restrictive rule as a means of conflict resolution: a critical analysis]. Revista Veredas do Direito: Direito Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, vol. 1, nº 21, Belo Horizonte, 2014 (article);
- “A gestão da água precisa ser prioridade nos governos” [Water management needs to be a priority in governments]. Jornal Valor Econômico, 05/19/2014;
- A interface da água enquanto recurso ambiental e econômico e sua interconexão com a tutela do meio ambiente [The interface of water as an environmental and economic resource and its interconnection with environmental protection]. Revista Jurídica – CCJ, Blumenau, v. 17, 2013 (article).Co-authored with Maria de Fátima Wolkmer;
- Os principais aspectos das novas regras para licenciamento e fiscalização ambiental [The main aspects of the new rules for environmental licensing and inspection] Revista Areia & Brita, São Paulo, v. 58, 2012 (article);
- A Lei Federal nº 9.605/98 e a composição do dano ambiental: reflexões críticas [Federal Law 9.605/98 and the composition of environmental damage: critical reflections]. Revista Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, 2011(article);
- A mineração dos Agregados para Construção Civil sob a perspectiva constitucional-ambiental [The mining of Aggregates for Civil Construction under the constitutional-environmental perspective]. Revista Areia & Brita, São Paulo, v. 43, 2008 (article);
- Legislação de Recursos Hídricos – Coletânea de Legislação [Water Resources Legislation – Collection of Legislation]. Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2002, CORAG (Org. SEMA).
Additional Activities
- Counselor at the Environment and Sustainability Council (CODEMA) of the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS);
- President of the Associação Gaúcha dos Advogados de Direito Ambiental Empresarial (Rio Grande do Sul Association of Corporate Environmental Lawyers) (AGAAE);
- Director at the Brazilian Union of Environmental Law (UBAA);
- Director of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Section RS (ABES);
- Member of the Environment Committee (CMA) of the Brazilian Chamber of Construction Industry (CBIC);
- Counselor of FIERGS at the Municipal Environmental Council of Porto Alegre (including the Technical Chamber of Legislation and Environmental Education);
- Member of the Environment Committee of Sindienergia/RS;
- Member of the ESG Commission of IBRADEMP – Brazilian Institute of Business Law.
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