
Felipe Sebhastian Caldas Véras

Felipe Sebhastian Caldas Véras

Professional experience

Felipe Véras has extensive experience in resolving business disputes through arbitration and mediation. For nearly a decade, he has worked on corporate, commercial, contractual, engineering, and infrastructure disputes, as well as Public-Private Partnership contracts with public administration entities.

He holds a Master’s degree in Business Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and an LL.M. in Corporate and Commercial Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Felipe has significant experience in both domestic and international arbitrations before renowned institutions, such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC), the Business Mediation and Arbitration Chamber Brazil (CAMARB), the Arbitration and Mediation Center of CIESP/FIESP (CIESP/FIESP), the B3 Market Arbitration Chamber (CAM-B3), the FGV Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration, among others.

He is also on the list of arbitrators for the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the American Chamber of Commerce (CAM-AMCHAM) and the Chamber of Specialized Mediation and Arbitration (CAMES).



  • LL.M. in Corporate and Commercial Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – 2022;
  • Masters in Commercial Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) – 2020;
  • LL.M. in Commercial Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) – 2016;
  • Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC/MG) – 2015.



  • Author of the article “Commercial Arbitration and the fight against climate change: what role can it actually play?” LSE Law Review Blog (2022);
  • Coauthor of the article “Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado: passado, presente e futuro.” In: WALD, Arnoldo; LEMES, Selma Ferreira (orgs.), 25 anos da Lei de Arbitragem (1996 – 2021): História, legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência (Revista dos Tribunais/Thomson Reuters 2022), p. 279-298;
  • Author of the article “O papel do árbitro no combate à corrupção: um problema de jurisdição?”. In: Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação Empresarial, VI Congresso Brasileiro de Arbitragem e Mediação, Ano VI, n. 8, Semestral de jul./dez. 2019;
  • Author of the article “Blockchain and smart contracts: friends or foes of international commercial arbitration?”. In: MAZIERO, Franco Giovanni Mattedi (org.), International Arbitration: In the Age of the Technological Revolution (Vol. I, Lumen Juris 2019), p. 115-139;
  • Author of the article “Legislação Concursal e Eficiência: um Estudo Comparado entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos da América”. In: GONÇALVES, Gláucio Maciel; ANDRADE, Érico (orgs.), Organização judiciária no direito comparado: Alemanha, Espanha, Estados Unidos da América, França, Grã-Bretanha, Itália e Portugal (Lumen Juris 2018), p. 97-118.


Additional Activities

  • Member of CBAr – Brazilian Arbitration Committee;
  • Editor of Private International Law of the LSE Law Review Blog – 2021/2022;
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the Brazilian Mediation and Arbitration CAMARB Moot – 2014/2019;
  • Director of ABEArb – Brazilian Arbitration Students Association – 2018/2019.
  • Member of the list of arbitrators for the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the American Chamber of Commerce (CAM-AMCHAM) and the Chamber of Specialized Mediation and Arbitration (CAMES).


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