Gilberto Deon Corrêa Junior
Gilberto Deon Corrêa Junior
Professional experience
Gilberto Deon Corrêa Junior is one of the firm’s founding partners and has extensive experience in sectors like corporate, restructuring and bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, and forestry investments.
He has lectured at universities and graduate schools on corporate law, restructuring, and insolvency, and is the author of several legal articles in these fields.
He was a member of the group of jurists who advised the rapporteur of the Bankruptcy Law project in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, which resulted in the publication of Law No. 11101/2005, which governs judicial and extra judicial reorganizations, and bankruptcy of individual businesspeople and business legal entities. He was also a member of the jurist’s commission formed to advise the Special Commission of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies to issue an opinion on Bill No. 1.572/2001, which institutes the Commercial Code.
- LL.M Master of Laws from the New York University (NYU), 1995;
- Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS),1993;
- Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), 1985.
- Garantias Flutuantes [Floating Charges] (AJURIS, vol. 47, p. 246, 1989);
- O Controlador como Fiduciário [The Controller as Fiduciary] (chapter of the Legal Studies Book, Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Estudos Jurídicos, 1991, nº 3, p. 82);
- A Extensão da Quebra [The Extension of Bankruptcy] (AJURIS, vol. 62, p. 11-73, 1994);
- Successor Corporation Liability for Claims Arising out of Defective Products (Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, vol. 12, p. 127-147, 1996);
- Consolidação Substantiva no Direito Norte-americano [Substantive Consolidation in North American Law] (AJURIS, vol. 73, p. 319, 1998);
- Direito de Empresa e Contratos [Corporate Law and Contracts – author of the chapter The Limited Liability Companies under the New Civil Code] (Porto Alegre, Thomson/IOB, 2006, 2ª edição);
- Reconfiguration of Labor Claims in New Brazilian Bankruptcy Law: a Constitucional Hurdle? (American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committee Newsletter, volume 6, number 2, March 2009);
- Os Créditos Fiscais na Lei de Falências e Recuperação de Empresas [Tax Credits in the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law] (chapter of the book: O Direito no Século XXI, Ed. Juruá Editora, 2008);
- Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica no Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro [The disregard of the legal entity in the Brazilian legal system] (co-authored with Gabriela Weirich Mottin. Revista do Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul, nº 62, p.113, 2009);
- CADE, Título Executivo Extrajudicial e Direito de Ação – Três Tópicos para o Debate sobre o Art. 98 da Lei n. 12.529/2011 [Three Topics for Debate on Art. 98 of Law No. 12.529/2011] (co-authored with Daniel Mitidiero and João Geraldo Piquet Carneiro. Revista dos Tribunais. SP: RT, 2012, pp. 343/365, vol. 916);
- O Conceito de Bens Móveis por Antecipação e Seus Reflexos nos Negócios com Floresta em Pé [The Concept of Movable Assets by Anticipation and its Reflections on Businesses with Standing Forest] (in Estudos de Direito Privado e Processual Civil em homenagem ao Prof. Clóvis do Couto e Silva, Revista do Tribunais, São Paulo, 2014);
- OGX and Jurisdiction: Questions Concerning Foreign Affiliates Under Brazilian Insolvency Laws (co-authored with Rafael X. Zahralddin-Aravena, American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committe Newsletter, volume 11, número 4, Oct/2014);
- Co-authored of the Brazilian Chapter of the Münchener Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung: InsO. München: C. H. Beck, 2015. v.4. ISBN 9783406650444;
- Anotações sobre a Consolidação Processual e a Consolidação Substancial no Âmbito da Recuperação Judicial – Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Manoeal Justino Bezerra Filho [Notes on Procedural Consolidation and Substantial Consolidation in the Scope of Judicial Reorganization – Studies in honor of Professor Manoeal Justino Bezerra Filho] (São Paulo: Editora IASP, 2017, pp. 305/333);
- Anotações sobre a Consolidação Processual e a Consolidação Substancial no Âmbito da Recuperação Judicial [Annotaions to the Procedural Consolidation and to the Substantive Consolidation the Judicial Reorganization (in Temas de Direito da Insolvência – Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Manoel Justino Bezerra Filho), IASP, São Paulo, 2017);
- Transnational Insolvency in Brazil, (em co-autoria com Rodrigo Tellechea Silva, American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committe Newsletter, vol 15, nº 1, Feb/ 2018;
- Commercial real estate in Brazil: Overview (em co-autoria com Fábio Machado Baldissera, Guilherme Proto, Felipe Tremarin, Angela Selencovich Padilla, Augusto Bercht, Giácomo Paro, Juliana Pretto Stangherlin and Martha Giugno, Thonson Reuters, Practical Law, July 2020);
- Overview on Recent Changes to Insolvency Law in Brazil, (em co-autoria com Natalia Mariani), American Bankruptcy Institute, International Committee Newsletter, March 1st, 2021;
- Brazil – Covid 19 Response (em co-autoria com Natalia Mariani);
- Treatment of Secured Claims in Insolvency and Pre-Insolvency Proceedings II – Brazil Chapter, INSOL International (co-authored with Luis Felipe Spinelli and Gabriel Garibotti), November 2021;
- The Prosafe Case: Recent Acknowledgement of International Insolvency, INSOL International – Newsletter do Comitê de América Latina (co-authored with Fábio Rosas and Luiz Guilherme Halasz), January 2022.
Additional Activities
- World Bank consultant for trainings on restructuring and insolvency conducted in Maputo (Mozambique) and in Luanda (Angola). He acted also as counselor for the government of Angola on best international insolvency practices;
- Member of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA);
- Member of the Institute of Lawyers of Rio Grande do Sul;
- Member of the International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals (INSOL), where he is a member of the Latin America Committee;
- Member of the International Bar Association;
- Co-chair of the American Bankruptcy Institute International Committee from March 2015 to February 2018;
- Former Director of the Federation of Trade Associations and Services of Rio Grande do Sul (FEDERASUL);
- Former law professor of Commercial Law at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS).
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