Jessica Scott Banfield
Jessica Scott Banfield
Professional experience
Jessica Banfield has experience in judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution, including highly complex lawsuits and national and international arbitrations.
Her practice involves the representation of national and international clients in disputes, and also consultancy in preventing litigation.
- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – 2018.
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Comparative and International Dispute Resolution from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) – 2023.
- BANFIELD, Jessica Scott; TORTORELLA, Eduardo Machado. A confidencialidade da arbitragem no Brasil: Recentes Decisões do E. TJSP Colocam em Xeque as Escolhas das Partes [The confidentiality of arbitration in Brazil: recent decisions of the E. TJSP put the parties’ choices in check] Blog New Gen. May/2022.
- BANFIELD, Jessica Scott; PARO, Giácomo. Arbitragem tributária no Brasil: considerações sobre os Projetos de Lei 4.257/2019 e 4.468/2020 [Tax arbitration in Brazil: considerations on Bills 4.257/2019 and 4.468/2020]. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, vol. 68/2021, p. 115 – 136, Jan-Mar/2021;
- BANFIELD, Jessica Scott; PARO, Giácomo. “Brazil Joins the International Arbitration Trend” In: Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal (SCLR Journal). Issue 3. July 2021.
- BANFIELD, Jessica Scott; TORTORELLA, Eduardo Machado. “Procedimento Arbitral: Arbitragem Multiparte”. In: Análise Prática das Câmaras Arbitrais e da Arbitragem no Brasil. [Practical Analysis of Arbitration Chambers and Arbitration in Brazil.] Coord. Ronaldo Vasconcelos, Fernando Maluf, Giovani Ravagnani Santos and Daniel Tavela Luís. São Paulo: Editora Iasp, 2019. p. 317-333;
- QUEIROZ, Caique Bernardes Magalhães; TORTORELLA, Eduardo Machado; and BANFIELD, Jessica Scott. O negócio jurídico processual como instrumento de aproximação entre os procedimentos arbitrais e judiciais no Brasil [Procedural legal business as an instrument of harmonization between arbitration and court procedures in Brazil.] Doutrinas Essenciais ‐ Novo Processo Civil, vol. 2/2018, p. 1119 – 1155; Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, vol. 55/2017, p. 73 – 107, Oct‐Dec/2017;
- “ICC Young Arbitrators Forum – Experience Matters: What to expect?”. In: Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, vol. 54/2017, Jul‐Sep/2017.
Additional Activities
- Mentorship in the Young ITA Mentorship Program, having as mentor Elina Mereminskaya, lawyer with the Chilean law firm Wagemann y Cía – Abogados e Ingenieros;
- Member of the collaborative network of CISG-Brazil;
- Member of Young ITA;
- Member of ICDR Young & International;
- Member of the Group of New Arbitrators of Amcham;
- Member of the Brazilian Association of Arbitration Students (ABEArb);
- Member of the Team that represented Mackenzie Presbyterian University in the 23rd and 24th editions of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot – 2015/2016 and 2016/2017.