Julia Klarmann
Julia Klarmann
Professional experience
Julia Klarmann has more than 10 years of experience in strategic judicial and administrative litigation, particularly in matters involving Consumer Law, representing clients from many different industries, including multinational companies. Julia handles disputes involving consumer law, contractual, administrative, and civil liability matters, including Public Civil Actions all over the country and compensation claims related to product liability accidents.
She is also experienced in handling strategic administrative cases, including civil investigations and administrative proceedings, before consumer protection key agencies (PROCONs, Public Prosecutors’ Offices and SENACON), Furthermore, she is skilled at leading recall campaigns before SENACON.
Julia has experience in handling negotiations with consumer protection and defense agencies and associations,
and she also provides legal counseling to clients on matters such as consumer law, such as after-sales policy, companies’ internal policy, e-commerce, pricing, review of terms and manuals, and data protection.
- Graduate degree in Business Law from FGV-Law in São Paulo – 2017;
- Specialist in Mediation and Systemic Interventions from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) – 2014;
- Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC- RS)- 2012.
- Online dispute resolution e o Direito do Consumidor [Online dispute resolution and consumer law]. In: ConJur, Ago/2021;
- Inteligência Artificial: qual é a posição do Brasil sobre regulamentação? [Artificial Intelligence: what is Brazil’s position on regulation?]. In: Exame, Set/2021;
- Fake news, ações coletivas de consumo e o problema da credibilidade da prova [Fake news, consumer class actions and the problem of credibility of evidence]. In: JOTA, Ago/2020 (coauthor);
- A lei dos distratos trouxe mais segurança jurídica? Reflexões sobre as inovações. [Has the law of termination brought more legal certainty? Thoughts on the innovations.] In: JOTA, Jun/2019 (coauthor).
- Cadastro Positivo não é unanimidade [Cadastro Positivo is not unanimous]. In: Jornal da Lei, Jul/2019;
- Novas regras consumeristas locais: precisamos disso? [New local consumerist rules: do we need it?]. In: JOTA, Set/2019 (coauthor);
- A ilegalidade matemática das multas do Procon: O descompasso dos valores das multas administrativas com os critérios legais [The mathematical illegality of Procon’s penalties: A mismatch between values of administrative penalties against legal criteria]. In: JOTA, Jan/2018 (coauthor);
Additional Activities
- She is also a member of the Consumer Relations Committee of the Brazilian Institute for Studies on Competition, Consumer Affairs and International Trade.

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