Roberta Feiten
Roberta Feiten
Professional experience
Roberta Feiten has wide experience in litigation and consultancy matters related to product liability, civil liability, and consumer law, which include class actions. Her practice has led her to argue before state courts and the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
She also practices in administrative litigation related to consumer law, covering administrative proceedings and public civil investigations, with wide experience before the main consumer protection agencies, such as Procon and the Consumer Protection and Defense Department (DPDC), as well as the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
She is also an expert in product recalls, providing consultancy to national and international clients and fully handling campaigns before authorities.
She also practices in the personal data protection area, focusing on consumer rights matters.
- Specialist’s degree in Civil Procedure Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)- 2009;
- Specialist’s degree in Corporate Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC- RS)- 2003;
- Bachelor of Laws from PUC-RS – 2000.
- Impactos das enchentes no RS e as relações de consumo – Published articles on ConJur in 05.22.2024 and 05.29.2024
- O Avanço da IA e as Relações de Consumo – Published article on JOTA in 04.20.2024
- O uso da inteligência artificial e as práticas comerciais: perfilização do consumidor – Published article in the book “Inteligência Artificial nas Relações de Consumo”, co-authored with Matheus Senna and Flávia do Canto. Editora Singular, 2023
- Caso 123Milhas: a eficiência do Sistema Nacional de Defesa do Consumidor – Published article on JOTA in 10.30.2023
- Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations 2023 – The International Comparative Legal Guide – 2023, publised on Global Legal Group, authored by Roberta Feiten, Jorge Cesa Ferreira da Silva and Isabela Camara.
- Comércio eletrônico e Proteção Digital do Consumidor: o PL 3.514/2015 e os desafios na atualização do CDC. Foco Jurídico, Oct/2023;
- Os 33 anos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor (CDC). ConJur, Sep/2023;
- Mês do consumidor: razões para o cumprimento das leis pelos fornecedores. ESTADÃO, Mar/2023;
- Nova resolução da Anvisa sobre recolhimento de alimentos desafia fornecedores. ESTADÃO, May/2022;
- Recall: valorização e incentivo ao fornecedor – Artigo – Valor Econômico, May/2022;
- As multas dos Procons e os grandes fornecedores. ESTADÃO, Mar/2021;
- Os acertos e os erros do Código de Defesa do Consumidor em seus 30 anos. ConJur, Sep/2020;
- A importância de cumprir desde logo a LGPD junto aos consumidores. ESTADÃO, Oct/2020;
- Um ‘mês do consumidor’ atípico. ESTADÃO, Mar/2020;
- Product Liability Q&A Brazil. Thomson Reuters, 2019-2020;
- Consumer Contracts Q&A Brazil. Thomson Reuters, 2019-2020;
- Product Safety Regulation and Recall Q&A Brazil. Thomson Reuters, 2019-2020;
- A publicidade no Código de Defesa do Consumidor e Superior Tribunal de Justiça. ConJur, Oct/2015;
- Brazil Product Liability. Getting the Deal Through, 2014 – 2018;
- Recall no Brasil. Correio Braziliense, Nov/2014.
Additional Activities
- Member of Women in Law Mentoring Brazil (WLM);
- Member of the Consumer Relations Committee of the Brazilian Institute for Studies on Competition, Consumer Affairs, and International Trade (IBRAC);
- Member of BRASILCON;
- Member of PLAC – Product Liability Advisory Council;

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