Thiago Vasconcellos
Thiago Vasconcellos
Professional experience
Thiago Vasconcellos practices in the corporate consultancy area, with particular emphasis on drafting commercial contracts and corporate documents, including procedures for registration with the Central Bank of Brazil, the trade boards, and the Internal Revenue Service.
His practice also involves counseling companies on forestry investments, especially on contractual and corporate matters in general.
- Bachelor of Laws – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2017.
Additional Activities
- Member of the Souto Correa Advogados team in the Petrônio Muniz Brazilian Arbitration Moot Competition – 2015;
- Member of the UFRGS Law School team in the Petrônio Muniz Brazilian Arbitration Moot Competition – 2014;
- Member of the UFRGS Law School team in the 22nd and 23rd editions of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot – 2015/2016.
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