Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels – Edition 40

Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels – Edition 40

Highlights – February News

February 17, 2023
MME receives contributions to the Integrated Strategic Planning of 2023-2026

Until March 3, the MME was receiving contributions to the Ministry’s strategic planning for the next 4 years.

The object of planning, according to the Minister Alexandre Silveira, is to strengthen governance and sectoral integrity. According to the Ministry, after the deadline for contributions, they “will consolidate the information and validate the results in workshops with the business areas of the agency and its related entities”.

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February 23, 2022
ANP discloses list of requests to infrastructure access that were denied by the operators of waterway terminals

The ANP presented, for the months of October, November, and December 2022, all the access negatives forwarded by the operators of waterway terminals, as well as their justifications.

According to the Agency, in the mentioned months, 18 negatives of infrastructure access were issued in 7 different terminals, and there were no objections. In summary, the denial of access may occur when a terminal operator understands that the conditions necessary to meet the request of the carrier have not been met.

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Laws and Regulations – February News

February 9th, 2023
Published Resolution that addresses the penalties in the fuel supply market

On February 9th, ANP published the Resolution No. 915/2023, addressing the penalties provided for in Law No. 9.847/1999. Among the main alterations, the new regulation revises the concept of second relapse provided in ANP Resolution No. 8/2012, as a penalty to economic agents operating in the fuel supply market.

Through the new resolution, ANP seeks to simplify the concept of second relapse, which consists of a practical offense after a definitive conviction characterized as relapse. It eliminates the problem that currently exists, which is the possibility of relapse and the second relapse occur at the same time.  Furthermore, it sets a 5 years limit for the recognition of the second relapse, counted from the date of the final decision that stated the first relapse.

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February 25, 2023
Decree amends composition of CNPE

Through Decree No. 11,418/2023, signed by the Minister of Mines and Energy and the President of the Republic, the composition of the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) was amended.  Through the regulation, six new ministries were inserted in the formulation of policies and guidelines regarding energy matters.

According to Alexandre Silveira, “the Ministries of Development, Industry, Trade and Services; Indigenous Peoples; Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture; Planning and Budgeting; Ports and Airports; and Cities, enter to reinforce the actions of the CNPE.”

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February 28, 2023
Provisional Measure reduces rates on operations carried out with gasoline, alcohol, vehicular natural gas and aviation kerosene

Provisional Measure No. 1.163/2023 was issued with the objective to reduce the rates of certain contributions, incidents on operations carried out with gasoline, alcohol, vehicular natural gas and aviation kerosene. The contributions provided for in the norm are PIS/Pasep, COFINS, PIS/Pasep-Import, COFINS-Import and Cide.

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Public Participation | Public Consultations and Public Hearings – February News

February 1st, 2023
ANP – Public Consultation No. 3/2023

Subject: Public Consultation of the Preliminary Report of the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RPAIR) regarding the revision of operational safety criteria applicable to biofuels producing plants, as stated by ANP Resolution No. 734/2018.

Contribution Period: from February 2nd, 2023, until March 20, 2023.

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February 13, 2023
ANP – Previous Consultation No. 2/2023

Subject: Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis Report (AIR) on the hydrocarbon concentrations in natural gas, as established by ANP Resolution No. 16 of June 17, 2008.

Contribution Period: from February 14, 2023, until March 30, 2023.

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