Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels – Edition 38
Highlights – October News
OCTOBER 13, 2022
ANP publishes Dynamic Panel on Diesel Production Quality
The ANP released, on 10/13/2022, a Dynamic Panel on the Quality of Diesel Oil Production. According to the Agency, the objective of the panel is to present data on the quality of vehicular diesel oil sold in the national territory, as well as to present quantitative data related to the certification of imported diesel oil.
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October 13, 2022
ANP provides Regulatory Result Assessment Agenda
The ANP released, on 10/13/2022, the Regulatory Result Assessment Agenda (ARR) on its electronic portal. The initiative seeks to comply with Decree No. 10,411/2020, which regulates the regulatory impact analysis (AIR) and stipulates that the bodies and entities of the direct, autonomous and foundational federal public administration, with competence to issue normative acts subject to the elaboration of AIR, will institute an ARR agenda and will include, at least, one normative act of general interest of economic agents or users of the services provided from their regulatory stock. So far, Resolutions No. 857/2021 and 878/2022 are part of the Agenda. The ARR of Resolution No. 795/2019 has already been completed.
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October 19, 2022
Verification of compliance with the contracting target for the supply of biodiesel between distributors and producers has been resumed
The ANP published a statement informing that it would resume verification of compliance with the contracting target for the supply of biodiesel by producers to liquid fuel distributors in the last two months of 2022, in accordance with ANP Resolution No. 857/2021. Based on the data sent by producers, the ANP will communicate, on its website, until November 10th, the situation of each party, distributor and producer, regarding the achievement of the goals and the limitation of commercialization in the two-month period.
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October 22, 2022
ANP creates a Working Group to deal with the National Hydrogen Program
The ANP established, on 10/19/2022, a working group to debate and define the ANP’s strategy within the scope of the National Hydrogen Program (PNH2). As provided for in article 1 of Ordinance No. 148/2022, which created the working group, it will have the following attributions: to gather, with the Board of the ANP, the direction of the strategy of the PNH2; submit proposals and products that may be elaborated by the PNH2 Management Committee to the Board of Directors and the participating organizational units; subsidize the representation of the ANP in the Management Committee of the National Hydrogen Program – Coges-PNH2, as well as in all other committees, commissions or institutional work groups of a decision-making nature that may be constituted, and of which the ANP will be a part , related to the use of hydrogen as an energy vector, allowing greater technical and institutional solidity for the Agency’s votes and initiatives; and identify the ANP’s attributions in the strategy of developing a new hydrogen market in Brazil within the scope of the PNH2.
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October 27/2022
Request for firm transport capacity for long transport pipelines operated by Transpetro can be made between 11/02/2022 and 01/01/2023
The ANP published, on 10/27/2022, a report on the request for firm transport capacity for the long transport pipelines operated by Transpetro. As the contracts currently held by the company expire on 06/30/2023, interested parties may submit their requests between 11/02/2022 and 01/01/2023. Transpetro must prepare an allocation proposal, which will be published by 01/17/2023.
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Laws and Regulations – October News
OCTOBER 6, 2022
The Brazilian National Council for Energy Policy (CNPE) published resolution with new deadline for proposal of RenovaBio goals
CNPE Resolution No. 10/2022 was published on 10/06/2022, amending CNPE Resolution No. 15/2019, which defines the mandatory annual targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for fuel commercialization. According to the wording inserted by the new Resolution, the RenovaBio Committee will forward to the CNPE the proposal for a mandatory target of CBIOs for the following year by November 30 of each year, instead of sending it until the end of the third quarter as it was previously stated. According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the measure will allow the RenovaBio Committee to more accurately estimate the generation of CBIOs in the current year and in the following year, improving the proposed decarbonization target to be presented to the CNPE.
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October 6, 2022
Published Resolution with deadlines for regulated Downstream agents to send data
Resolution No. 885/2022 was published on 10/06/2022, which establishes the extension of deadlines for the transmission of information to the ANP by downstream regulated agents. Among the extended deadlines are: the presentation of data related to the sale of A and A premium gasoline; B, D and marine diesel oil; biodiesel and diesel/biodiesel blends; liquefied petroleum gas; fuel oils 1A, 2A, 1B and 2B; CAP and ADP asphalt products; petrochemical naphtha; jet fuel; vehicular, industrial, domestic and commercial natural gas by producer and importer; sending data on the quality of fuels produced in the national territory or imported.
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October 25, 2022
Published Resolution declaring express revocation of several normative acts
Resolution No. 891/2022 was published on 10/25/2022 and declared the express revocation of several normative acts, for the purpose of rationalizing the regulatory framework of the ANP, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 10,139 of 2019. Although several acts were revoked with the enactment of the Resolution, the practical effects are few or non-existent, since for the most part the revoked rules had already lost their effectiveness.
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Public Participation | Public Consultations and Public Hearings – October News
MME – Public Consultation No. 140/2022
Subject: Proposal of global targets for the decarbonization of the fuel matrix – Cycle 2023-2032, submitted for public consultation, within the scope of the National Biofuels Policy (RenovaBio).
Contribution Period: from October 31, 2022, until November 14, 2022.
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