João Tagliari
João Tagliari
Professional experience
João Tagliari practices in the area of judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution, including high complexity lawsuits, public civil actions, administrative proceedings, and arbitrations. He also works in the Consumer and Product Liability and Data Protection areas, counseling national and multinational clients from many sectors in litigious and consultancy matters.
- Master’s degree student in Civil Procedural Law at UFRGS – 2022.
- Bachelor of Laws and Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2017.
- TAGLIARI, João Paulo. Do logos à argumentação no processo civil [From logos to argumentation in civil procedure.] In: SCARPARO, Eduardo (Org.). Ensaios de retórica forense [Essays on forensic rhetoric] (e-book): volume II. Porto Alegre: Fi, 2022.;
- CANTALI, Rodrigo; TAGLIARI, João Paulo. Dano moral coletivo: o interesse violado e o STJ [Collective damage: violated interests and the STJ.] In: Conjur. 05/22/2022;
- CANTALI, Rodrigo; TAGLIARI, João Paulo. Modificação dos ônus probatórios em ações coletivas de consumo: análise do critério da hipossuficiência [Changes in the burden of proof in consumer class actions: an analysis of the criterion of hyposufficiency.] In: Jota. 08/07/2021;
- FRIES, Diogo Squeff; TAGLIARI, João Paulo. STJ e locações via plataformas digitais [STJ and leasing via digital platforms.] In: Migalhas. 11/06/2019.
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