Manoela Pascal
Manoela Pascal
Professional experience
Manoela Pascal is an expert in labor law and has experience in handling complex legal and administrative proceedings. She provides consultancy to companies in drafting and reviewing codes of conduct, human resources policies and planning and reviewing variable compensation programs.
She also works in collective negotiations and union relations, counseling clients in collective bargaining for the implementation of variable remuneration programs, collective dismissals, setting of work shifts, termination of employment contracts, reduction of salary and working hours.
She has experience in many economic segments, including technology, finance, retail of petroleum products and pulp and paper, working jointly with clients to develop and implement strategies to optimize the quality of work environments and relationships with trade unions.
She also works with ESG matters, helping companies to develop appropriate policies and providing consultancy on a wide range of matters.
- Post-graduate diploma in Labor Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – 2011
- Post-graduate diploma in Public and Private International Law and Integration Law at UFRGS – 2011;
- Bachelor of Laws and Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) – 2008.
- “Lei dificulta acordos trabalhistas” [Law makes labour agreements more difficult], Valor Econômico, 2019;
- “Eleições na Califórnia” [Elections in California], Estadão;
- “Recontratação de trabalhadores durante a pandemia – impactos sociais e econômicos” [Rehiring workers during pandemic – social and economic impacts], Estadão.
Additional Activities
- Member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM/RS);
- Member of Instituto de Formação de Líderes de São Paulo (IFL).