New proposals for federal decrees on the take-back of metal and paper/carboard packaging
One day before the end of the public consultation on a proposal for a federal decree regulating plastic packaging take-back, the Ministry of Environment launches two public consultations on decrees to regulate the take-back of paper and cardboard packaging (Ordinance No. 268/2022, Portuguese only) as well as metal packaging (Ordinance No. 269/2022, Portuguese only).
As with the plastic proposal, the new proposals also repeal the 2015 sectorial agreement on packaging take-back as regards paper/cardboard and metal packaging.
The new proposals also set recycling targets, both nationally and by region, and recycling content targets.
Contributions may be sent online via the Participa+Brasil platform by 2 December 2022.
Click here for the public consultation on paper and cardboard packaging (Portuguese only).
Click here for the public consultation on metal packaging (Portuguese only).