New Federal Decree on the take-back of glass packaging
Federal Decree No. 11,300/2022 on the take-back of glass packaging was published in the Federal Official Gazette on 22 December 2022.
The decree imposes obligations on manufacturers, importers, distributors, and sellers of both glass packaging and products packed in glass.
As with the proposals for decrees on the take-back of plastic, metal, and paper/cardboard packaging recently put out for public consultation, Federal Decree No. 11,300/2022 establishes collection targets and recycling content targets.
reach 40% in 2032. Returnable packaging is excluded from the calculation, except for broken glass packaging that is sent to recycling.
Recycling content targets, in turn, range from 26% in 2023 to 35% in 2032.
Federal Decree No. 11.300/2022 does not apply to glass packaging of household medicines, pesticides, and lubricating oils, which is gov