Luís Alberto Salton Peretti
Luís Alberto Salton Peretti
Professional experience
Luis helps Brazilian and international clients resolve disputes relating to corporate contracts, mergers and acquisitions, supply of equipment, construction projects, and intellectual property through arbitration, mediation, litigation, and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. He also focuses on dispute prevention, drafting contracts, and designing strategies to manage conflicts.
Luis was also secretary-general of one of the largest arbitration institutions in Latin America and is currently a member of the arbitration roster of several institutions in Brazil and abroad, including the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC). He often participates in professional conferences in China and maintains a permanent interest in Asia.
- Master’s in Civil Law by the Law School of the University of São Paulo – 2022.
- Master’s degree in Economic Globalization Law – University of Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne;
- Master’s degree in in Comparative Law from the University of Paris II – Panthéon-Assas;
- Diploma from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (SciencesPo);
- Bachelor of Laws and Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS);
- Coauthor of the article “L’Arbitrato Avanza nel Diritto Italiano” published in the review Affari of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo (2022);
- Coauthor of the commentary “Contrato De Seguro. Sub-Rogação Da Seguradora. Ação De Regresso. Transmissão Da Cláusula Compromissória Brasil”, publsihed in the Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, v. 19, n. XIX (2002);
- Coauthor of the article “Arbitragem e Segredo de Justiça: a constitucionalidade do art. 189, IV, do Código de Processo Civil” ;published in the book “Estudo sobre a Evolução da Arbitragem e da Mediação no Brasil”;
- Coauthor of the article “Belt and Road Disputes and the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards” published in abridged version on the site of the American Bar Association and in the Journal of Enforcement of Arbitration Awards (2021);
- Author of the chapter “O funcionamento de um Centro de Resolução de Disputas” [The operation of a Dispute Resolution Center] published in the book “Curso Prático de Arbitragem: Técnicas e mercado” (Curso Prático de Arbitragem) (2020);
- Coauthor of the article “Análise preliminar do sigilo legal e profissional no Brasil” [Preliminary analysis of legal and professional confidentiality in Brazil], available at lexology.com;
- Coauthor of the chapter “Os Regulamentos Desenvolvidos para Disputas Relativas a Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual” [Regulations Developed for Disputes Relating to Intellectual Property Rights] published in the book “Análise prática das câmaras arbitrais e da arbitragem no Brasil” (Editora Iasp) (2019);
- Author of the chapter “O Direito Brasileiro e a Convenção de Arbitragem ‘Nula e Sem Efeitos’, ‘Inoperante’ ou ‘Inexequível’, conforme o art. II (3) da Convenção de Nova Iorque” [Brazilian Law and the ‘Null and Uneffective’ ‘Inoperative’ or ‘Unenforceable’ Arbitration Convention, under Article II (3) of the New York Convention” published in the book “Arbitragem Comercial Internacional e os 60 anos da Convenção de Nova Iorque” (Quartier Latin) (2019);
- Coauthor of the article “Breves Comentários Acerca das Novas Leis de Arbitragem Comercial Internacional de Argentina e Uruguai” [Brief Comments About the New International Commercial Arbitration Laws of Argentina and Uruguay], published in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, no. 62 (2019);
- Author of the chapter “Organização Convencional da Instrução Probatória em Arbitragem: a Autonomia Privada na Gestão do Procedimento Arbitral” [Conventional Organization of the Evidentiary Instruction in Arbitration: the Private Autonomy in the Management of the Arbitration Procedure] published in the collective work “Temas de Mediação e Arbitragem” (2018);
- Coauthor of the article “The New Brazilian BIT on Cooperation and Facilitation of Investments: A New Approach in Times of Change”, published in ICSID Review (2017);
- Author of the “book review: Damages in Int’l Arbitration in Complex Long-Term Contracts”, published in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, v. 53 (2017);
- Author of the article “Contribuições para a Análise de Custos na Arbitragem” [Contributions to Cost Analysis in Arbitration], published in the Brazilian Arbitration Committee Blog (2016);
- Coauthor of the Brazilian chapter of the “Baker and McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2015-2016”;
- Coauthor of the article “A cláusula arbitral nos contratos de concessão do serviço telefônico fixo comutado (STFC)” [Arbitration clause in commuted fixed telephone service concession contracts], published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, v. 48 (2016);
- Coauthor of the Brazilian chapter of the “Baker and McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2014-2015”;
- Author of the chapter “Disposições comuns às obrigações do vendedor e do comprador (arts. 71 a 88)” [Provisions that are common to seller’s and buyer’s obligations (arts. 71 to 88)] published in the collective work “Comentários à Convenção de Viena sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias” [Comments on the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods] (2015);
- Coauthor of the Brazilian chapter of the “Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2012-2013”;
- Coauthor of the article “Note: A (Appellant) v. B (Appellee), Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, 1st Civil Law Chamber, Decision No. 140 III 278, Case No 4A_508/2013, 27 May 2014” published in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, v. 45 (2015);
- Coauthor of the chapter “Arbitragens em joint ventures e operações de M&A” [Arbitration in joint ventures and M&A transactions], published in the collective work “Arbitragem e Mediação: Temas Controvertidos” [Arbitration and Mediation: Controversial Themes] (2014);
- Coauthor of the Brazilian chapter of the book “Arbitration of M&A Transactions: A Practical Global Guide” (2014);
- Author of the article “Caso Jirau: Decisões na Inglaterra e no Brasil Ressaltam Métodos e Reações Distintas na Determinação da Lei Aplicável à Convenção de Arbitragem” [Jirau Case: Decisions in England and Brazil Highlight Distinct Methods and Reactions in Determining the Law Applicable to the Arbitration Convention], published in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, v. 37 (2014);
- Author of the article Arbitrabilidade dos dissídios individuais decorrentes do contrato de trabalho – Comentários ao RR 144300-80.2005.5.02.0040” [Arbitrability of individual disputes arising from employment contracts – Comments on RR 144300-80.2005.5.02.0040] published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, v. 30 (2011);
Additional activities
- Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR (Delegate from Brazil);
- Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration – ICCA;
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – CIArb.
Admissions to the following arbitrator’s rosters:
- Brazilian Center of Arbitration and Mediation – CBMA;
- Chamber of Arbitration and Mediation of the Federation and Center of the Industries; of the State of São Paulo – Ciesp/Fiesp;
- China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission – CIETAC;
- China Maritime Arbitration Commission – CMAC;
- Federasul Arbitration Center.

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